Complimentary (online) conference places for community councils
Added on 24 November 2023
Mackay Hannah have made more complimentary places available to Community Councils for their upcoming events. Grateful if you would consider sharing the info below with your community council’s members:
10th Annual Care of Older People in Scotland Conference: Delivering care during adversity
Tuesday 28th November 2023 (morning)
10th Annual Care of Older People in Scotland Conference: Delivering care during adversity
Placemaking and Scotland’s place-makers in 2023: how can we best resource delivery?
Thursday 30th November 2023 (morning)
Placemaking and Scotland’s place-makers in 2023: how can we best resource delivery?
The Role of Scotland’s Regulators: What’s next for accountability in public services and markets?
Tuesday 5th December 2023 (morning)
The Role of Scotland’s Regulators: What’s next for accountability in public services and markets?
NPF4, Scotland's planning system and the new road ahead: Understanding where we stand and what is coming
Tuesday 12th December 2023 (morning)
Understanding Scotland's Government, Parliament and MSPs in 2024: How they work and how to influence them
Tuesday 30th January 2024 (morning)
Any individual wishing to attend should email amackay@mackayhannah.com with an indication of which conference(s) they wish to attend, their name, email address and the name of the community council they are representing.