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Midlothian Federation of Community Councils

Parking prohibitions consultation

Added on 16 June 2023

PCN - Penalty Charge Notice

The Scottish Government has been working to improve parking legislation in Scotland in order to tackle the impact of inconsiderate and obstructive parking and ensure that our roads and pavements are accessible for all.

As part of this work, the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019 bans pavement parking, double parking and parking at dropped kerbs, and gives local authorities the relevant powers to enforce these new provisions. The Act also gives local authorities the power to exempt footways from the pavement parking prohibition in certain circumstances and in accordance with Ministerial Directions.

The new powers give local authorities the tools they need to be able to tackle the issues of inconsiderate and obstructive parking which, alongside a planned Government led media campaign, will highlight the problems that inconsiderate parking creates in our everyday lives.  To support these provisions a suite of secondary legislation is necessary to bring new legislation into force and support its operation in practice.

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